
Dr. R.S. Ghumman (Principal)

Education, in its broader sense, encompasses and touches upon every spectrum of individuals. Therefore the prime objective of education is to prepare the yound to educate themselves throughout their lives. Sardar Chanan Singh Ghumman Memorial College of Education, Kishangarh Road, Shahabad(M) aims at bringing holistic and optimal development of its prospective teachers. To achieve this aims the institution extends learner friendly, flesible, innovative and eclectice environment. The Institution promotes interactive learning using technology in teaching & learning with respect of attaining multisided development among the learners. Securing excellence in learners achievement is the Motto of our institution. All the learners are enthused with a sens of self-respect and self-responsibility. I wish all the prospective teachers may seek excellence in this distinct centre of learning.

Mrs. S.K. Ghumman (President)

We are in real words of wisdom emphasizing that the success of any institution depends essentially upon the collective efforts of all the constituents-management, faculty and students. In the recent years, there has been an unprecedented expansion of teacher education institutions in Haryana and other parts of the country and tehrefore, quality maintenance is survival practice for the institutions. Sardar Chanan Singh Ghuman Memorial College of Education endeavours to provide quality education and bringing qualitative improvements in theory and practice of education. The students are given opportunities to unveil and flourish their multifaceted talents by providing them a suitable platform. The institution makes every conscious effort to scale the heights of excellence and thereby contributes in the harmonious development of the students teachers.

Mr. P.C. Sharma (Vice- President)

Every deserves a quality education founded on rights based approach and rooted in the concept of gender equality. Sardar Chanan Singh Ghumman Memorial College of Education is the leading institution in raising the status of both women and men through education. In this fast changing scenario of education, the learner is constantly facing the pressure of knowledge explosion, fast faced technology, pressure from peers, parental demands and stiff competition. The role of the present day teachers has become more important as compared to the earlier times because they have to keep in mind the philosophical, sociological and psychological aspects and needs of the child. Sardar Channan SIngh Ghumman Memorial College of Education produces compassionate teachers who can play a vital role in not only grooming the child but even transforming his personality. In Sardar Chanan Singh Ghuman Memorial College of Education all our efforts are directed towards providing modern education, developing rational & scientific outlook in life and enabling all around development of the teacher by offering all latest facilites combined with Indian culture, ethos and spiritual values. I am sure you will never regret choosing Sardar Chanan Singh Ghumman Memorial College of Education as the dream COLLEGE for seeking professional brilliance.

M.S Ghumman (Co-ordinator)

Human resource like any other resource has to be utilized to the maximum. A teacher in the modern times urgently needs new perspectives in view of changing perceptions regarding his roles and responsibilities. Teacher's responsibilites and national development. In today's scenario, the education, that has the power to transform society in a single generation by providing knowledge, skills and confidence, is of earnest need. The objective of teacher education has to take new steps from being perennial to progressive and from ideal to experimental. Therefore in sach a scenario proper vision and focus on aims is very conspicuous. But in many Indian institutions almost no training is being imparted for setting up of goals for life and for academic excellence. It is matter of immense pride that Sardar Channan Singh Ghumman Memorial College of Education has sown the seeds for the prospective teachers to develop themselves as total quality individuals, imbibe appropriate learning and set up SMART goals in their life. The institution aspires to create such teachers, who not only carve a success niche for themselves but also lend a support and help to others through their services. We endeavour to groom well chiseled and skilled teachers to rise higher and higher.